RPM is Back!

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RPM is back in the news! The popular software packaging system has seen a resurgence in recent months, thanks to a number of factors. First, the Linux community has been increasingly focused on improving the quality and usability of RPM. Second, the rise of containerization has made RPM a more attractive option for packaging container images. Finally, RPM is now supported by a number of major cloud providers, making it easier for developers to use it to deploy their applications.

Here are some of the latest news about RPM:

* RPM 4.17 was released in July 2023 with a number of new features and improvements.
* Red Hat announced that it will be making RPM the default packaging system for its Fedora Linux distribution.
* Amazon Web Services (AWS) now supports RPM for deploying container images to its Elastic Container Service (ECS).
* Google Cloud Platform (GCP) now supports RPM for deploying container images to its Kubernetes Engine.

The future looks bright for RPM! With the continued support of the Linux community and the rise of containerization, RPM is poised to become the de facto packaging system for Linux and cloud computing.

